November 2022 – Garlic Garlic!

We have been enjoying beautiful weather
for the last few months!
It has been great to have a chance to catch up a bit.
Though as I write this newsletter,
there is fresh snow in the local hills.
That means the white stuff may soon descend upon us.

The colors are beautiful, the air crisp and the sun is shining!
Does it get better than that?

I will enjoy this wonderful NOW moment,
and think about palm trees and warm turquoise waters later!!!

Hope you are Enjoying YOUR NOW too!

Garlic GARLIC Garlic!

Suede Hills Organic Garlic

How do people cook without it?
We also eat our Raw Organic Garlic
in our home made Guacamole almost everyday.

I find that our Raw Organic Garlic Powder
has an intense flavor,
doesn’t leave an after taste like raw cloves do.
Nor does it leave you with bad breath…
at least no one has ever said it does!! HA HA!

FYI~ The reason our Garlic powder is still classed as raw is because it has been allowed to dry naturally,
thus the healthy benefits are still intact!!

Here is some info & a list
of the benefits of Raw Garlic Powder:

* The smelly part is the sulfurous aspect called Allicin.

* It is high in antioxidants which help protect against cell damage, aging and
diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia.

* Is an antibiotic, so it kills bacteria,
even those that cause blemishes, colds, etc.

* Has some anti-fungal properties.

* Low in calories plus rich in Vitamin C, B6
and Manganese.

* Has known beneficial effects on
common causes of chronic diseases,
therefore it is also useful to help you
live longer and healthier.

* Raw garlic has higher amounts of Allicin,
and has been shown to improve immunity,
stabilizing blood sugar levels and
to support heart and brain health.

*Known to reduce blood pressure and
it also has the effect of preventing the formation of blood clots.

Quick recipe:

Cindy’s Guacamole

The juice of one Lemon
2 Avocados peeled, pit removed
1/2 teaspoon Pink Himalayan Salt
1 teaspoon Suede Hills Raw Organic Garlic Powder
2 green onions chopped
Mix together and enjoy!!

Order today
while our supply lasts!

Many of you have been waiting for over a year for this.
Now is the time, because when the garlic is gone,
it is gone until next autumn!

A Happy, Healthy Autumn to you!

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