April 2023 – Cell Rejuvenation
Wow! April already!
The birds are out in full array, the bees are buzzing in the Cedar trees again. The willow trees have little nubs where the fuzzies will come out of soon, and life goes on.
**For the Folks in Kamloops and surrounding area,
The Kamloops Farmers’ Market returns Saturday APRIL 22, 2023
Happy Healthy Spring to you!!
This is what the Rejuvenated Cells of our Body could look like if we just Eat More FRESH Fruits & Veggies!
Can you remember the last time you felt this kind of vim and vigor??
So you get it right?
The cells of our body are DESIGNED to continuously RE-Generate.
Some how we have bought into the lie that as we age in years we are going to de-generate.
Science has proved that the cells of our body are designed to RE-Generate indefinitely. Especially when they are supplied with clean nutrition and clean water. Plus Your Positive Attitude/ Perspective certainly helps things along as well.
Granted, we have seen the degeneration in most all of our family and friends. But, just because that is what “Everyone is Doing” does it mean you have to do it too?
I can still hear my dad saying, “So if everyone jumped off the bridge are going to jump too?”
There are BLUE ZONE cultures around the globe where whole communities of people are Centenarians. (Over One Hundred Years of Age). Why can they do it and North Americans are dropping like flies at an ever increasing young age. (Let’s not even get into the last few years). I am talking over the last several decades, younger and younger people are having “old people diseases.”
You understand that DIS-EASE & AGING are caused by the deterioration of the cells of the body, right?
What causes that you ask?
If the cells are unable to Oxygenate and Hydrate properly, (because they are too acidic) they reproduce degenerated deficient next generation cells. This equates to aging and disease.
You have far more control over your choices than you want to believe.
Why do people sacrifice their own health to fit in with people who do NOT have the health results you are after???
Please tell me why?
Why does it matter what our friends or family think if we eat different than them and get healthier and happier too?
I tell you, they are simply jealous or not motivated enough!!
I will NOT suffer with sickness, disease and reversible aging when I have it in My power to do something to get me the results I desire, want and NEED!
I never bought into the herd mentality. I thought that diversity was a blessing to all of humanity. That way we all benefit from the gifts, skills and experiences of all rather than a small accepted way of being.
Live long and prosper folks!
It is within your grasp to live the healthy life you desire.
Sickness, Disease and Aging BE GONE!!
ENJOY Life!!
Abundance of Health & Happiness to you all!