June 2023 – Standard of Living vs. Quality of Life
I am so pleased that the weather has been
unseasonably warm in our area.
The waters have been high, but many crops
are getting a head start on the season.
I know that one of the vendors at the Farmers’ Market
that we go to has strawberries already.
She says that it is at least 2 weeks early.
For us the wonderful fragrance
of our Olive Trees in bloom is heavenly
and at least 2 weeks earlier than usual!!!
This amazing fragrance is best described
as a Vanilla type of smell.
The Kamloops Farmers’ Market
Saturday’s 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Hope to see you there!
Happy Healthy Spring to you!!
Standard of Living vs. Quality of Life
Ever stop to ponder that?
How many of us have bought into the
“Standard of Living”
as a benchmark
to a meaningful, valuable, productive life?
Yet it seems to me that most of us
were always just trying to get to the place
where we could “have” the
“Quality of Life”
we desired.
So does “Quality of Life”
include words and experiences like,
Fun, Enjoyable, Do what you are Gifted at,
plenty of Time to express yourself and your Talents?
How about
Peaceful, Content, Calm, Satisfied,
The world is rapidly changing.
Are you?
What is it that you “need”
in order to be truly Happy and Healthy?
How about looking after the Basic Physical Needs?
*Quality whole Food to Nourish your Body.
(Suede Hills can help with that)
*Clean Air.
*Clean Water, Directly from Nature.
*Quality Time Alone
I encourage you to love yourself enough…
“To LET the Rest of Your Life
the Best of Your Life!!”
We are here to help you on that journey of
Health and Happiness.
Reach Out To Us.
It is my passion to share
the decades of expertise
that we have lived & learned from.
We are living it ourselves.
But it sure would be fun
to have many of you join us
on the rest of the journey!!
Spoiler Alert!
We are looking to
create that something in Belize!!
Abundance of Health & Happiness to you all!