May 2018 – Life Doesn’t Happen to You,
You Happen to Life
What a wonderful unfolding life can be when we choose to look at ALL that IS working…
Did you have to help the sun come up this morning?
The 4 Most Asked Questions when considering a Whole-Food Plant-Based diet, cont’d
Pictured: Cabbage Rolls Without the Work (Recipe can be found in Recipe(s) For A Vibrant Life created by Cindy Levington)
When we made the quality decision to “eat for quality of life and vitality” on purpose, we jumped in not knowing a thing.
That is kind of my style….
I researched and read copious amounts of books and online resources. Many seemed to be a watered down version of what I was trying to avoid in the first place. So I set out to eat as close to the way I believed nature intended us to eat. That meant actually “thinking” about how and where the food choice in front of me, would grow in its natural setting. That was an eye-opener! All of a sudden I was faced with considering where my food was grown, how it was handled and the many steps that would deliver the produce to me here in western Canada!
The 4 Questions:
WHY would I want to switch to a plant-based diet?
(Remember to ask yourself this question, not the peanut gallery!!)
HOW do I do this and not be a freak?
(Will I still be able to eat out with friends?)
WHAT on earth am I going to eat?
(aka, where will I get my protein?)
WHO can I talk to to find out where to start?
#2~ Let’s talk about the HOW!
Let’s face it, this is where most people “lose it”. As social creatures we seem to want to fit in. But does it make sense to sabotage your own health in order to fit in? I believe that true friends care about you, not what you eat! When your health starts improving, you may just be the example that will prove to be enough incentive to spur your friends and family on to their own “self-health” improvement journey.
As mentioned, there is an enormous amount of info out there. Unfortunately, many of these folks are NOT walking their talk, so the info they share is just speculative on their part. This is where the old adage comes into play. If you want to make a change, find someone who HAS the results you are after, and ask them/use their resources for input and guidance.
Here are a couple of tips from me, someone who has lived the plant-based lifestyle for over 10 years AND has eliminated every chronic health issue I had been diagnosed with!!
I have found that starting the day with a super nutritious meal like the Phil’s Ultimate Breakfast with a Schmunkie or Morning Motivator sets the tone for the day.These recipes contain a full day’s complement of nutrients such as: protein, minerals, vitamins, enzymes, & omegas. (When your body has REAL live plant nutrition to work with the results are life-giving and regenerative!!)
**When the occasion arises to go out to eat with family or friends here are a couple of examples of what we do.**
Order a main-course size salad with a non-dairy dressing on the side. I always look to see if they have a guacamole or avocado slices to add for extra substance. You could splurge and have a side of fries or a baked potato, rice or quinoa.
Another option that is widely available, is to order a Veggie Stir Fry. Again order the sauce on the side. I just dip my fork in the sauce before each fork full and this way I still get the flavor, but reduce the amount of sugar and salt laden sauce that I ingest.
Third option, choose a Chinese Buffet, they usually offer multiple veggie options and you can still partake in a bit of the sauces to enjoy the full flavor spectrum! (p.s. I go for plain steamed rice rather than the fried rice which contains egg or the noodles that contain egg & other processed mystery items)
Bonus is that a Chinese Buffet most often has cut up fruit as a dessert. Here is the trick, I take a good helping of the fruit and then choose one or two tiny pieces of the “regular” dessert if need be. In all honesty, I physically feel better if I choose only the fruit to end the meal!
See, it is possible to enjoy eating a plant-based lifestyle and still go out with family and friends!
I bet if you don’t say anything, no one would even notice what you put on your plate! Keep it to yourself and let them be surprised as your health turns itself around. Now you can enjoy a vibrant, healthy life, and maybe even be an inspiration to others to take their health into their own hands.
…..continued next month