January 2025 – Happy, Healthy, in Service
Life takes all kinds of twists and turns
and it is in our best interest
to just go with the flow and find something
to appreciate and enjoy
along the way.
So, this month finds us back in British Columbia, Canada
on the farm
with a definite below zero chill in the air.
At least we had half a vacation!
Phil just had his 82nd Birthday a couple of days ago.
He is an amazing inspiration
to all who come across his path!!
Bonus of being back on the farm is
we get to connect with you folks once again
as you call to place your orders or ask a question.
There is truly no place like home!!
We are looking for helpers to live and work
on the farm this season
March to October!
Please let us know if you know of anyone
who loves being outdoors and
who can handle working in the heat,
assuming we get some heat this year.
Call or Email for more info
Happy, Healthy, in Service
As I was reviewing life and business
in the face of some disruption
I was endeavoring to bring some clarity
as to what really mattered
and where to focus my energy
to stay Happy, Healthy & in Service
because I know that where my thoughts go
my energy flows.
So I wanted to make sure
that I am flowing my life force energy
into that which I DO want to manifest
and NOT to what I do NOT want to manifest.
You know that we are amazing creators, right?
Where we focus our attention
determines the life we will experience.
Thoughts DO become things!
The same happens when we
flow our focus and attention
on living a HEALTHIER life.
For example,
I just got off the phone with a woman in her mid 80’s and she was expressing how grateful she was
for our Alfalfa
because it keeps her Osteoporosis from interfering
with her enjoyment of life.
She told me,
“I plan to be around for quite some time yet!
And give Phil a hug from me too.
I need you guys to keep going so I can keep going!”
Now back to clarity in my thoughts.
I kind of imagined that I was out in space
looking back at Earth.
From this vantage point, I asked myself,
“What really matters?”
My answer to myself,
“If I am Happy and Healthy
I can be of Service to others
I am living a quality life.”
It just helped to put all the other
little distractions of life
that pretend to be BIG important things
into perspective.
I can’t change the world,
but I can take responsibility
for my Choices
for my Happiness,
for my Health
and in the way
I choose to show up in this world
in Service to others!
I encourage you to
love yourself enough
to make sure you feed yourself quality food,
food like our Alfalfa powder
that actually has the nutrients
to empower your cells to rejuvenate
rather than deteriorate.
Your Earth-suit will thank you!!
Besides it is easier to be Happy
when your body is Healthy
and when you are Happy and Healthy
it is really easy to be of Service to others!
Which makes life worth living in my estimation.
Here is an example.
Back in the day when Phil and I took the kids
to Disneyland something like 30 years ago,
we were eating at a buffet
and a tour bus pulled in full of hungry people.
It was obvious there had been a lack of communication between the tour bus operator
and the restaurant because
the one lady doing the table clearing looked aghast.
There she was, already far behind
in clearing the tables from previous customers.
It was apparent that someone
had not shown up for their shift.
Seeing the need in this situation,
and always wanting to make things better,
Phil jumped up and started clearing tables.
Then the kids, aged 8 and 10 jumped up
and joined in and of course I followed.
After just a little guidance the kids were like pros!
We had the place all cleaned up in no time.
The lady was so surprised and very grateful.
Now here is the point.
Those two kids had been exploring and having fun at Disneyland for 2 or 3 days, then Sea World.
Yet when you asked them even weeks later,
“What was the best part of the trip?”
Their answer was,
“Helping to clean up at the buffet!
That was so much fun!!”
Service to others.
It just makes you feel great!
It is truly better to give than receive.
That is a life lesson our kids learned first hand.
We are here to help you get
your Healthy and Happy self
back in the Game of Life.
If for some reason you have a challenge taking our
Alfalfa and Olive Leaf in powder form,
give me a call
I have some awesome suggestions
that may help you
to be more consistent
in getting our super-food, organic food tools
in your body on a regular basis.
So that you too, can live your best life ever!!
A Schmunkie a day keeps the doctor away!
Healthy, Happy Days to You!