Acid Reflux Remedy

Do You Suffer From Acid Reflux?

Acid reflux or heartburn is caused when digestive acids flow up from the stomach and into the esophagus.

Over the counter or prescribed medications may lead to other problems, here are 3 Acid Reflux remedy Options:

Option 1 – The Neutralizing Effect

The simplest of all three is to start immediately facilitating the “neutralizing effect” and to counteract what the stores of acid have been producing in our bodies (fat & disease), and to help our bodies metabolize and digest the foods we eat.

Option 2 – The Schmunkie

The second suggestion is also quite easy to add to your current lifestyle. Make yourself a nutrient rich “Schmunkie.”

This Schmunkie will infuse your body with much needed nutrient rich fuel, loaded with natural minerals and vitamins that your body will use to usher out the previously stored acids, and empower your cells to start the clean up job that can result in robust health.

The “Schmunkie” recipe is extremely flexible.

The basic rule is:

  • 40% Organic green plant food (i.e. Suede Hills Alfalfa Powder, Kale, Spinach, Romaine, the best is a rotation combination)
  • 60% Organic fruit

Option 3 – Totally Change Your Diet

The third suggestion is the most dramatic, yet highly effective, and that is to totally change your diet!

The typical Western diet tends to be high in acid forming foods such as: Animal Protein, Dairy Products, Grains, Coffee, Alcohol, Artificial Sweeteners, Highly Processed and Fatty Foods.

The ideal diet to balance your pH would be high in alkaline forming foods such as Fresh Fruit, Raw Green Leafy Vegetables and other Fresh Raw Veggies to achieve optimum results.



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